300 steps to greatness. (Day 1)

Ok, I’ll just let you know that breakfast club is distracting me, with their cinqo de mayo mix, from kelly rowland, to dora the explorer(WTF dj envy), Fabulous, Daddy Yankee, Then 50. (Lord Have Mercy!”) So for all of you twitter fiends, like me, you ALL need to go and follow @thatwritingchic, because shes amazing, but NOT just that, if you want to be inspired to do better and be better, shes the BEST person to follow on twitter. you can also follow her journey on here, the same name- thatwritingchic.

Now, i have decided to walk with her and take 300 steps to greatness. it’s where you openly set goals for yourself to achieve in the next month or year, and let people walk with you and be inspired by your journey and also let you become inspired and motivated by other peoples goals and achievements.

these are my goals that i am setting for myslef which i want to accomplish by december this year.

So by december 2011, i want to have achieved:

-Passing all of my A-levels

-Going to New York& L.A (already booked the tickets.)

– Re-enroll for my AS year.

-Look and Decide on a University.

-Take some extra A-levels- decide what i want to take.

-Get into radio. (not sure as to how i am going to do this)

-Finish the screenplay.

-Blog every two days, AT LEAST.

Publish a book (Ok, this would/will probably be time consuming and a hassle/ so i might extend the deadline for this one)

Produce a DEMO. ( this cultivates in learning to spin! and improving my guitar playing)

Learn To Surf.

Get My Photography Out There. ( Updating My Flikr as we speak, Or Type)

Lose 20 lbs.

Remove some people from my life who are toxic, and although i love them, they only bring drama and unnecessary pain into my life.

Learn to skateboard and dirtboard ( I LOVE sports)

Be happy with myself.

Pass My Philisophy exam, especially.

Make myself proud.

Have a deeper realtionship with god.


what do you want from your life, because you won’t know what you deserve, until your words turn into actions.

@Chennile (Follow me on Twitter)

6 thoughts on “300 steps to greatness. (Day 1)

  1. I’m so proud of you! Writing down your goals is the first step in making your dreams a reality. I’m walking right along side you on your journey to greatness. Be blessed!


  2. Thank you so much. I dont know if you know how much youve inspired me! Im going to try my best to be my best and the best that God knows i can be. I walking with you. Love,Peace and Blessings.


  3. New York :X…great…thuesday I will fly to Italy, but I would like very much to visit new york too…maybe..someday ;)) It’s great that you noted all your goals…I don’t even know which my goals are..so…congrats for knowing what you want. 😀


    1. Thank you. So much has changed this year, and i want so many different things for next year. Hopefully, it’ll get bigger and better. Thanks, i know some of what i want but I’m still lost. Maybe we could help each other, and wordpress figure out what we want from life? I live in london, UK so you’ll actually be pretty close. thanks for checking out my blog.


      1. London…I wanted to get my master’s degree there, but…the fees are too expensive unfortunately…so I gave up..I was thinking to go in Belgium instead. I would be happy to help you with anything. 😀


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